Copyright: Joby Jay Crawford
Image creation wonderings.
Green Heron galore
August 11, 2022Have not posted to the blog in some time now, but need to set aside time to share when I can. Along these lines, I’ve recently run across several groups of Green Heron on local wetlands. I’d seen a few over the course of the past two years, but always…
Up the creek
September 30, 2021Much can be said about being in the right place at the right time. In fact, this is what creating wildlife images is all about One ‘right place at the right time’ played out several days ago when down on the beach park at low tide. Just happened to come… -
Shoreside Killdeer
July 28, 2021Pleased to recently have spied a friendly Killdeer on the shore at Des Moines Beach Park. I say friendly, because most small shore birds are not prone to allowing such access, but this one was nice enough to tolerate me for these images. Thanx, friendly Killdeer.